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Monday, January 11, 2016


January 4, 2016

Wassup fam! Not much super new from the last 3 days but I figured I could fill yall in on some things...

  This week we were told by some previous missionaries that there was this American couple living in Lezha with the peace corps and that they have a son who is a member! So naturally we gave them a call and they invited us over to their house and it was way cool! They are living in Lezha for 3 months doing service there and their family was actually visiting them at the time so their son was there! We went and just had a good talk with them about Albania and the people and it was really nice! I don't know if there is much opportunity there in the way of them being interested in the gospel but she invited us back to have dinner with them some time which is cool!

  Also on transfer day when we pulled up to the mission office there were some members in Tirana waiting there, there always are. But with them was one of my old investigators who I really loved so I went over and talked to him and he had just gotten baptized!! I was so happy! He is a stud and like mega smart! He also said he is in Lezha occasionally and that we should call him!

 One of  my least favorite parts of being a missionary are running into people who just want to argue and be rude to us.  Man they can be soooo horrible! I just talked to this guy the other day and man they are just so rude! It's tough because I'm now at the point with my language where when I start getting frustrated my language can still keep up with me and I can argue with people pretty fluently. I was starting to get pretty smart alecky with this guy because he was just an idiot but then this clear thought went through my head that I was this guys first contact with missionaries ever and that I was the first missionary in Lezha and need to be a good example. Man it was sooo hard but it was a humbling moment for me realizing that I'm representing Christ and I might be the only missionary they ever meet and if they just remember me arguing with them and fighting back then I really haven't left a Christlike example. 

   I lost our phone this week on our way to Lezha - I forgot it on the bus! It was kinda a cool experience though. I normally feel horrible when I lose things like get sick to my stomach but for some reason I just wasn't even a little concerned. Sure, I was mad that I had forgotten it but I just knew we were getting it back! Elder Anderson didn't share my feelings! He was pretty worried about it all day and it was pretty annoying not having it so we couldn't call our lessons but we got back and we were talking about how the next day we were going to go to the bus station and look for it and we got to our house and there was a note on our door from the sisters saying they had our phone! They had called it and a guy answered and said he had found it and went and met up with them and gave it back! Pretty awesome little miracle that happened for us! 

  Also (sorry I'm starting all of these with also) the family who lives the floor below us and are our landlords are members! They have been gone for a little while in Greece for vacation but they just got back and seem awesome! We have been taking care of their two dogs and it's been interesting  -it feels like I'm a house owner taking care of my pets and stuff!

  Church was veerrrryyyy interesting here! So we all got there and 9:40 to set up because it's just a tiny little building and so at 9:55 and it was still just missionaries there and we were like alright I guess we all will just bear our testimonies to each other and call it good. But then at 10am  exactly this less active member came and so we had 2 hours of church with just all of us missionaries and him! It was a very cool experience for me though just seeing this church will go on no matter what. All it needs is 2 or 3 gathered together and the Lord will be there (we were 7 in church)! Elder Wright is acting as branch president so that's cool!

  Anyways have a great week! I love you all and I hope you are setting some good new years resolutions!!

Note from the sisters letting us know they had our phone.

Pictures of Shkoder

This is the house we're living in with some members.

view from our house.

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