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Monday, August 8, 2016

Power of the Book of Mormon

August 8, 2016

Well to start off this week, shout out to my 2nd companion Elder Holm who just got married on Friday. Super bummed that I wasn't able to be there but what do you do!  
  So last monday after emailing we went over to President Weidmann's house and had a celebration for Switzerlands Independence day. It was a lot of fun! His daughter came with her 2 year old son who was super funny! He is only 2 and is fluent (i mean as fluent as a 2 year old can be) in English, German, and French. I was like dannngggggg!! I had a lot of fun playing with him, but anyways for the celebration we had a classic meal they do every year for it from switzerland which consisted of bread, lunch meats, cheese, and yogurt. Then President told us a little about the history and we sang the national anthem. We also played a matching game about the difference in words from High German and Swiss German. Then we lit of some fireworks! It was awesome!! Fireworks here in Albania are pretty nuts.

  This week we started playing basketball in the morning a couple times a week and it has been a lot of fun. I haven't gotten up and moving like you have to for basketball in a long time, kinda sad how quick I got tired! We also played with Elder DaBell who is the senior Elder that works here in the office and he is awesome!

  We had a super awesome lesson this week with S. (the older guy we baptized last transfer) and we started talking to him and he brought up that he is in 2nd Nephi in the book of mormon and I was like that is weird I swear you were further than that last time I checked, turns out he has already started on his 2nd time through!! He is doing so awesome! He's someone that I have seen a huge change in from the first time we met, and he's sooo quiet about it. It's just soooo easy to tell when someone actually reads the book of mormon and when they don't. Like there are great members here but it's very obvious which ones read and which don't and really that is the difference maker, the Book of Mormon. It's really comforting to know that God has given us such an easy way to keep our testimony because sometimes life looks so hard and you just don't want to mess up but you can know if you make time to read the book of mormon every day that will keep you on the path! I love it!

  Something kinda interesting is I was reading through Preach my Gospel this week and I read a story about an investigator that read about how God introduced his son as "This is my Beloved son in whom I am well pleased" and it really hit him how proud God was of Jesus and how he wanted Heavenly Father to be proud of him too. It made me think how would God introduce me to people? Would I be someone that he could say my beloved son in whom I am well pleased? Obviously we aren't going to be perfect but when you think about how much Heavenly Father loves us even when we try our best and fail he is still proud of us I think. The question is are we putting in everything we need to to really merit that title? Because really it's up to us. Anyway just kinda food for thought!

  I have been so exhausted this week, and just kinda this transfer so far. Everyone always told me that the longer you are on your mission the more tired you get and I always just thought they were being babies and making excuses but holy cow am I tired!! And it's one of those tireds that sleep doesn't really fix. Lucky as you get more and more tired on your mission you also learn how to work harder and harder and so you don't let it effect you but I think I'm going to go into coma when I get back home!

   Our work continues to be tough here. It's a little frustrating, it seems like all last transfer the work just came so easy here in Tirana and all of a sudden we just hit this wall. Like we are working hard getting out there and we just can't really seem to come up with solid work right now. It's all good though I know it's good to have hard times every once in a while. We'll just keep working!

  Hope yall are doing awesome! I just realized this week that I turn 21 this month so that's pretty weird. I asked a little kid how old he thought I was this week and he said 30 so that was exciting! Anyway, love yall!

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