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Monday, August 15, 2016

Another crazy week!

August 15, 2016

 Alright so I had a super crazy week, like crazier than usual! 

To start off with something interesting is that our whole mission started getting these weird anti mormon texts from some guy who signed his texts as "Amulek B" just sent a bunch of anti mormon material and even quoted some stuff from the temple which was not good! We have kind of an idea of who it is but we just had all the missionaries block the number and not respond to the texts. It was super strange though! 

  Also I did an exchange with Elder Mero this week which was way fun! We did it on his birthday! I I'm glad that we were together early in my mission so we could keep doing stuff together throughout the mission, it makes things fun! We actually had a ton of success together for our area which was awesome! Getting the team back together!! 
On our way back from the exchange though Elder Rogers and I had a pretty crazy experience!  We were driving back from Fier and we were going and all of a sudden this triple car crash happened right in front of us so I slammed on the brakes but we were going pretty fast it wasn't going to be enough time so I swerved super hard and we almost went into a ditch so I started swerving the other way and we honestly had like one wheel off the ground into the ditch like straight up almost rolled it but we pulled out and just kept going! It was soooooo crazy! Like adrenaline pumping hard!! Rogers was like man we should have just rolled the car, that would have been an awesome story! We are all good though! Definitely happy for the hand of the Lord there!! I have never been that close to a crash before and hopefully I won't be again!

  Then we just had some more changes to transfers that we had to prepare for and it was nuts. Like we didn't even have the transfers officially decided until the day we were making the transfer calls! And some people even changed during the calling process! Whew I got done with this week just exhausted with all this stuff going on up in my head! With the beginning of this next transfer I decided to set some "transfer resolutions" to improve some stuff so I'm excited for this good new start.

  Life is still hot here but it's great just getting out and talking to everyone about our Savior!! It's just a super rewarding work honestly. Like you come home exhausted but you know that tomorrow you are going to want to get right back out. I know it's like classic missionary moment to say this but I wish I was better at this stuff when I was back home. Like we have been playing basketball in the mornings and there is a kid that has been playing with us and it's not like we were proselyting at the time or anything but we just invited him to come to an activity with us and it was super normal and a lot of fun. Just makes me realize how lame I was!

  So ya awesome week, still sweating up a storm! Hope yall are enjoying boating and stuff! Love you! Ciao!

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