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Monday, September 28, 2015

Transfers & Macedonia

September 28, 2015

Dang a lot of stuff happened we'll see if I can cram it all in here!

 So anyway this time I'm going to try to not just fill the whole thing up with B. but basically this kid is amazing! He is inviting a bunch of people to his baptism and wants to go to the temple and on a mission as soon as he can (a year after his baptism.) He could very well be the very first missionary from Kosovo! Everyone in the ward already loves him because he is just such a nice guy! It was awesome after church we went to teach him in his apartment and while we were teaching about the Sabbath day the prayer calls went off and I just thought how interesting is it to be teaching about the Sabbath day with a prayer call in the background! He bore his testimony to us about how much his life has changed and how blessed he feels by God to have met us and how he truly believes everything we have said is true and it was just amazing. Elder Holm and I just can't believe it! Elder Holm says he has never taught someone like this who's so prepared! Basically just amazing! 
Also I think next PDay we are going up to Peja with him and he is going to take us up into the mountains there so I don't know how much email time we will be getting!

  I went on an exchange with Elder Kek this week which was a good time! We were going to go to Mitrovica to do a lesson but we called the AP's to ask if it was allowed and they said it was too dangerous so that's too bad! It would certainly have been an experience. The city is divided at a bridge and half is Serbian and half is Kosovar so you can imagine not the best relationships are there.

  This week has been pretty awesome though! So all month we tried to save money for Elder Holm's last week and we have eaten out at all the best places in Prishtina every day! It's been so awesome! Definitely feeling spoiled! It's also been our best week of work the whole transfer so we are feeling pretty good right now! Elder Holm is showing everyone that he didn't die hard!

  We got to go to Film City again this week and that was great! It's just a cool vibe going up there and visiting the members there. Unfortunately one of them couldn't make it but we are going to really try to visit him when my new companion comes! We ate in the mess hall this time and I ate soooo much! Holy cow it was like the MTC all over again!

  Then Saturday roles around and it's transfer calls! You all have no idea what transfer call excitement is like here! Especially because in my mission transfer calls pretty much means who you will be with and where you will be for the next 3 months! We didn't get the call till 10:28pm!!! We waited for an hour and a half for that thing! And so I will be staying in Prishtina.... I will still be District Leader... and.... I will be training! Holy cow I did not expect that one! I'm super nervous but excited too! It's going to be great and I am going to learn a whole lot!! I will found out who I will be training next week!

  On Monday we got to go to Macedonia! Man it was so awesome! Missionaries haven't been allowed to go to Macedonia on P-Days for a while but it just opened up the last week of Holm's mission! Man is that guy lucky! So we went down there and had a total blast! First of all the Macedonian Elders are probably my favorite in the mission and second of all Macedonia is sooo beautiful danggg! There are statues EVERYWHERE! Its crazy! It was super weird being in a foreign country and not speaking the language though! I kept trying to say things in Albanian and forgetting that they don't speak it! We got there and played Ultimate Frisbee because the Macedonian Elders are actually good! It was so fun! It felt like some real frisbee which I haven't gotten to play in forever! Then we went and got lunch and had Dominos! Like real American pizza! It was sooo good! Then we just kinda hung out and went every where we could in Macedonia! It was such a blast!

  Well, the church is true, the book is blue, I'm serving my two, and so should you! 

Great week I love you all!

All these photos are of Skopje the capital of Macedonia


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