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Monday, September 28, 2015


September 21, 2015

Wohoo best week ever!!!  It's pretty funny because a week can become the best week ever from just one thing! and that one thing is B. - he is a 20 year old studying radiology here in Prishtina! So basically last week he walked up to Elder Munci and I while we were on an exchange and was like "hey I have been watching you guys from my balcony what are you doing out here?" turns out he lives in an apartment right at the spot where we normally contact. So anyways we met with him once last week and it seemed like a pretty good lesson, like promising but we just have so many first lessons that don't work out we didn't think too much of it.

  THEN, we met with him Monday evening and he had actually read from the book of mormon! like 20 pages, FINALLY! We start talking about the Holy Ghost and how it's the way God can talk to us and he was like "that explains the different feelings I had while reading the book" Elder Holm and I were like holy cow!!! (seriously people give the book a try I promise you will not be left disappointed!) We explained to him that was literally God talking to him and telling him that what he was reading was true and he totally understood it and started asking us a ton of questions it was so awesome. He accepted to be baptized!!

  After that lesson we have met with him every day and he is just progressing so fast! After the 4th lesson with him we went out and got drinks and he was talking and referred the church as "our church"! I seriously almost started crying when he said that it made me so happy! He is just a super cool kid. 
 He actually has some money and really likes to travel to places that other people don't normally go like less popular sites and stuff. He is from Peja and really wants us all to go up there with him and he will take us all up with his car and we will go into the mountains so he can show us some places!!

  I don't want to make this whole letter about him but really this kid is so cool! He speaks English super well so outside of lessons we just talk in English with him which makes it easier to become close friends with him! Now every morning while we are contacting outside of his apartment he comes and brings us juice and stuff! Just a way nice guy and is friends with all the ward already and tells them all about how he is going to be baptized! 

  So this week is Elder Holm's last week and he is freaking out because he still doesn't really feel like he is going home. I was thinking about it because it's crazy that he doesn't feel that way yet and then I realized that at the beginning of the month I gave him a priesthood blessing to continue to work hard till the end of his mission and that is totally what it is! Just another wonderful witness of God working miracles! It's crazy how just little things like that can make such big differences though!

  At the end of this week there were a ton of these tables out for a petition and it was like a really big deal with cameras and big crowds of people and stuff and so we were all wondering what was going on so we asked B. and I guess Kosovo is going to be losing land to Serbia or something and there are supposed to be some diplomatic talks starting between Serbia and Kosovo but these petitions are to stop the talks from happening! It's crazy how much the Kosovo people hate Serbia! I don't really know the whole story but that's what I understand. Hopefully it doesn't get too crazy or anything!

  Anyway thats pretty much it! Honestly I'm just so happy about B. it's awesome! I hope you all have great weeks and enjoy the weather cooling down! 
Also next week I will know what is happening with transfers and stuff! I really hope I stay here but it's up to the Lord! Also Elder Holm's last week! Crazy!!! Anyway love you all!

Above Prishtina


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