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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Busy week!

 May 9, 2016

Alright another awesome and busy week as usual! First of all the most exciting thing for me I think is that B. got his visa to America! I'm so excited for him and so jealous that I can't be there with him! I know that he is going to have such an awesome time, there are so many people that are waiting for him to go it'll be sweet! I really hope you guys will be able to go meet him!

  Also a big happy mothers day goes out to all you mother figures that have helped me up to this point! Especially - to my mom without whom I have no idea what I would do! You are the best!! I love you!!

  I got to be in my first transfer meeting this week which was pretty cool, super hard though because we just have so few missionaries that we are having to close areas, it's really sad! It was pretty awesome to me how logical doing all the transfers was but at the same time how spiritual it was as well. It was a great example to me of how the two areas don't have to be separate. A lot of what we did was thinking about it but it was all so directed at the same time, you can tell by how clean it all comes out at the end!

  We took a missionary home this week which meant waking up at 2am again! We went to this wayyyy nice restaurant with President and his wife and the missionary though. Like it might have been one of the nicest restaurants I have ever been to! It doesn't really hit me taking missionaries home but tomorrow I'm going to have to take Elder Muncy and Sister Cheshire home and they are the two missionaries I have served the longest around so I think that is going to suck.

  Even though we didn't have a ton of time to do missionary work this week we were once again incredibly blessed. There are these 2 RM's that are from different cities in Albania that are now living here in Tirana for work and they are soooo cool. Both of them have basically grown up in the church and you can just tell that guys like these are the future of the church. They are so fun and really understand how the church needs to work so it's going to be awesome working with them! They helped us with a lesson this week and it was so good!!

  We had a lesson with a guy named E. this week which was pretty interesting. He was actually an investigator when I was in 2nd ward so I remember him and I called him the other day and we found a time to meet with him. I was pretty nervous to meet with him because he is studying to be a Hoja I think is how you spell it in English but basically it's to be the muslim version of a Priest so I know he was going to have a ton of good questions. The lesson was so crazy he sat down and he was like I want to just tell you some things before we start, first of all I believe in Islam I think that is the true religion, but I'm not saying that Mormonism is wrong. If you convince me that your religion is the true religion of God then I am fully willing to get baptized and join your church. I also want you to know that I respect you basically more than anyone else for this mission you are doing so never feel like i'm being disrespectful or anything I just have a lot of questions. And then it began from there just sooo much stuff. It was cool how the spirit helped us to answer every question he had though, we never had a single tough one! Its interesting because to be honest deep down he knows its true. He has had some spiritual experiences with the missionaries and let's be honest if he didn't feel something he would just not meet with us but he keeps coming back! It'll just be super hard to break through all the previous background he has! He was excited about how much I knew about Islam because of my time in Prishtina which was funny! 

   On Saturday we called everyone and gave them their travel plans after President called them which was pretty fun just hearing everyones reaction and getting them excited about their new areas! It was really funny just how different some people sounded about their transfer. Some people were like ya it's going to be so awesome I'm way excited! And then there were some that were just like well alright... 

  Today was a pretty awesome PDay we went ice skating!! Don't worry, no serious injuries! Just probably going to feel super sore tomorrow! I pretty much knew going into it that I was going to suffer some sort of fall. It was way fun though, totally worth the bruises!
Have a great week!

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