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Monday, June 8, 2015

Week 19

 June 8, 2015

Okey dokey so this week was pretty awesome! 
We switched up the levels for english course again and now I'm teaching beginner ughhhhhh! It sucks so much, especially after just teaching advanced! Advanced I just got to hang out and talk in English for an hour and discuss things but now I'm like teaching the alphabet and crap like that!! Luckily Elder Verushi can actually help me in English course now though!
  We also had the very odd experience of meeting Elder Verushi's cousin. It was so random we were out street contacting and she was working in the food place behind us and recognized him! We went and had drinks with her and she is now actually taking the discussions from our sister missionaries so that's pretty awesome! Elder Verushi is like way stoked because he could get another member in his family!
  I gave another few blessings this week but there was one that was really special. I gave one to Motra Johansen the sister that was in the MTC with me! I feel the spirit every time I give blessings of course but idk every time that I have given a blessing to a missionary there is something so special idk how to describe it. Like I closed that blessing just crying because I felt the love of God so powerfully. For me it is a testimony of how much God cares for his missionaries and ESPECIALLY his sister missionaries.  I can't even imagine the amount of love and care He has for them. I testify that God holds missionaries in a special place in His heart and that even when it sucks it's going to be for your good because He loves you so much!
  We also did some awesome street contacting this week and I met some really cool people! This one guy I ended up talking to for like 20 min. in English and it was awesome. He was agnostic but after talking to him he was so interested in the BoM and wanted to come to church and stuff! He talked about the Book of Eli (a movie) I guess it's about the bible and stuff idk not totally sure. I also had my first experience of a guy up in my face totally mad at me like spitting when he's talking to me and stuff - man that was weird! Like why is this man so mad at me! I just talked to him and testified and then said good bye and he was like suuupperrr annoyed. I really didn't mind it too much though! Another day I had a 30 min. discussion with this guy I think he was an Evangilist, he basically believed that it's just grace that saves us - no works and he knew the Bible so well! I definitely had the spirit helping me out with talking to him because I threw out some Bible right back at himl! There were a couple times that I totally stumped him which made me feel like a baller but I know that's not how you convert someone, he just wasn't really interested so it was fun to have a discussion with him about some things. 
  Also this week was Elder Verushi's birthday! He didn't tell anyone though but a couple of us found out and we did a little celebration! Then we went back to the apartment early that night because we didn't do all our studies in the morning because of meetings and he wanted to drink red bulls so I had one against my better judgement at 6:30pm and I was up till 12:30 and I couldn't sleep!! I also was like mega productive though and cleaned our whole house! I'm not going to lie I'm really grateful for dad's advice to use caffeine like medicine. I know it's healthier for me and it makes it so that when I do use caffeine it really does a number on me!
  This week futbol was mega fun!! I also got a new nickname that all the little kids call me! Pallat which means like the tall apartment buildings here - it's essentially calling me skyscraper. Aaron and I and one of my AP's were all on the same team and so it was Meksikan (Aaron is half mexican), Pallati (me), and Kanadez (AP is from Canada) It was hilarious because none of them can remember our real names! 
  I also had an interesting experience over at a members house - we were giving him a little lesson and were going to give him a blessing. He is really cool and had lived in England for 10 years, and he suddenly pulled out his scriptures and was asking us to expand on all these things and it was interesting because he has been a member for a while and is older than both of us and was asking us for help and we were talking to him about it and he made an interesting comment. He said that ya he is a member and has the holy ghost but no one has the holy ghost more than missionaries and that we are literally called here to get revelation for members and that we are better able to interpret that revelation than anyone else. I definitely felt the spirit confirm that to me and the power I have! That doesn't take away from the members responsibility to receive personal revelation but it is true that that is one of the reasons we are called here!
  Update on Faton, this guy is amazing! I can't describe to you all how awesome he is!  I truly believe he is going to be such a strong member!! We had some lessons with him this week and he has totally been hounding us because we promised to give him a D&C version of the BoM after his baptism but we hadn't been able to make it down to the office and he was like guys I want to read this so bad come on!! And then we were talking about studying and he was like ya I really have studied the BoM and I know 100% that it's true! He's amazing! Then we had this one lesson and at the end he said the prayer and before the prayer he asked us if there was anything we wanted him to pray for and then he said the prayer and oh my gosh that was the most spiritual experience we have had with him! It was mega long and I seriously started crying just because the spirit was so strong and it all just hit me like I truly helped change this guys life and l look what he has become... its amazing! Wow I love him and he is so stoked to help us with lessons now as a member! We also got the new liahona with all the latest general conference sessions and we gave it to him on Sunday and he read the whole thing after church!!! Like who the heck!!
  I don't know if I have sent this before but right now I am studying the BoM with a student study manual and it's so cool! I'm learning a ton of extra stuff I've missed! It's amazing how much stuff this book has  -holy cow! Like all the 2 Nephi chapters from Isaiah! Those things are gold!! I also have been reading and listening to and reading a lot of talks and especially BYU speeches. That is a favorite pass time in this mission is BYU speeches.  Some people have like 2 feet stacks of papers just filled with talks and stuff! There are so awesome though like these things are truly modern scripture! I can't believe I didn't use them more before my mission!!
  Anyway things are moving along here in Albania I hope you all are good back at home and that everything is going well! I appreciate you all writing me!! Loves!

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