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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

June 22, 2015

Ok so pretty dope week if I do say so myself!  We set a really high lesson goal this week because we felt like our work had dropped a little bit and we got 30 lessons which is our record (we got 9 lessons in one day)! We taught our investigators every day which was sweet! We got to see some real progression! 

To start off I'd like to talk about Elion! Holy cow this guy is so prepared by God!!! We have pretty much been teaching him for a week and he is getting baptized on Friday!!! He has already read a ton of the BoM and has a testimony of everything and is just a baller. Such a testimony that there are people literally just waiting for this gospel and we can't be wasting our time with investigators that are progressing!! So ya baptism Friday, 3 days before transfers!! 

   Next, H. and S. are the dopest people ever!! These lessons are really hard and we have to go super slow because we just have so many differences (religious, cultural, language) but they are progressing awesome! They now ask us when we can meet again and they both told us that they feel like their life has changed since meeting with us and they are happier and have more energy! So awesome! There was one lesson that was kinda a crazy experience for me. We did a member split so I was with Faton and we were teaching them and so I would translate from Albanian to English for what Faton said and then Hamid would translate from English to Farsi to explain it to Saeid! How cool is that!? It was like a crazy tower of babel, gospel linking people kinda experience! Also, It's so nice that Faton helped us because Albanians are super racist and when he first heard that we were teaching Iranians he said we need to be careful and shouldn't bring them to church! Also S. is like 44 which is interesting because he is pretty much my dad's age but he is like a pro ping pong player! Oh my gosh I've played against super good people but nothing like him! I was literally sweating trying to keep up with him!! He has been playing seriously for 20 years! They also came for Futbol and he is amazing at soccer too! Like Elder Greener is the best missionary and they were both going at it and it was amazing to watch! We also taught one lesson with just S. this week and that was nuts. His English is pretty bad and so we literally were typing to each other over google translate! What a crazy experience I'm having here! 

   We had a super dope miracle happen this week on Tuesday! Also, I apologize my word of the week is dope for some reason. We were having district meeting and half way through this guy interrupted us so the AP's went out to talk to him and they were gone for the rest of the time which was weird and then they came back at the very end and explained that these Bibles that were translated by an Albanian Christian who had been living in America were going to be donated to us because they were originally going to be sold but then the translator died and the company wanted to donate them to a good cause and so this owner had been seeing us missionaries going in and out of the church for months and said we looked like good young people and so we literally got over 1000 Bibles for $10 (we paid the guy to help us move them to the church in wheelbarrows) and the reason this is so amazing is because a lot of members don't have personal bibles! Now we are hoping that the stake president will approve the translation but if he doesn't President Wiedmann says we are still just going to give them to the members and just not tell him because we all say that they are good! 

   One night we went out with Algida for a lesson (an amazing member that helps us out all the time) and we were riding on the bus with her and we were talking to this guy and he thought that I was Albanian and she was American which was pretty funny! She complimented me a ton on my language which actually kinda made me feel pretty awesome! I really am starting to feel quite comfortable with the language and I know that that's a gift from God because it's only been 4 months and I already feel good which just doesn't happen!!

  This Sunday was elections for all of Albanian and so we had to be on high alert, we almost had to stay in our house because people go kinda crazy over that stuff here. Apparently last year in our area there was a bomb that went off and someone died! So that's pretty crazy! Sadly nothing all that interesting happened but we did see a ton of police at this one spot and Verushi said that we should just take a different street which I'd say was a good call! 

Also, on Sunday one of the first missionaries that ever came to Albania was in our ward and he was here over 20 years ago! It was awesome talking to him and amazingly he still could speak Albanian! It wasn't pretty but he could actually converse with people. I was super impressed.

   Some interesting history about the church in Albanian is it's history of great apostasies. So basically every single branch that exists here in Albanian has gone through a period of serious apostasy and members leaving the church and you want to know the biggest reason for it? Money. So basically Tirana for instance has gone through two big ones. The first for money and the second a bunch converted to JW.  But after each apostasy the church becomes really strong because the members that stay are real troopers and so you know the members that have been here for 20 years are like the strongest members you are going to find around, but right now Shkoder just recently had their apostasy and its baddddd. They usually have 2 members in their church and there are about 64 members that are up there and they no longer have any contact with the church. The problem was and has been in other areas is that missionaries have told people that they can get money from the church to help them with groceries and stuff and you get a lot of baptisms but then a missionary went up there and realized what was happening and how much money was being sent (I heard the sum was ridiculous) and so with approval he cut off funds for Shkoder and literally killed the branch. That shows some serious guts but it was a good thing because now they can start rebuilding! It's a real problem and makes Verushi super mad. Basically just never tell people they can get money from the church until they have been a member for at least a year is my personal thought. Its a big big problem here.

    And to close it all out Fathers day doesn't exist in Albania! I know right? What a jip! But anyway I compiled a list of attributes that my dad has that make him the best and things that I hope I can use in my life and I'd like to share them all with you because you should all know how awesome my dad is!:
1. Love your Family
  My dad has never to my recollection complained about my mom in front me and I am so so grateful for that! 
  One thing that I can't imagine is easy that he has done throughout my life is just taken time for us. I read a talk where the guy said love in the family is spelled  t-i-m-e. My dad has continually come to sporting events and other things of the such since I can remember. Even for ultimate frisbee when I was 18 and could take care of myself he still came and watched my games and that made a big difference for me even if I probably never showed it enough  The fact that my dad took time out of his life to come see me play a dumb sport really meant a lot to me. Even if I sucked at the sport it didn't matter he still came!
  I also have never felt unloved by my father to my memory there has never been a moment where I truly questioned his love for me. And even if he didn't just say I love you he still showed it in his way which often times meant even more to me because they are the same way that I would show my love too.
2. Have a Hobby
  My Dad has some amazing life time hobbies and is very dedicated to them, adding even further direction in his life than just a career and family. One thing I have learned from him is that it is never toolate to become good at something new or to pick up something new. He hasn't been cycling since 20 years old or anything like that but he picked it up and is now truly excellent at it even if he won't admit it.
  He also didn't let money stop him which is something I really need to learn. If you look at the sheer cost of what it takes to get super into cycling that could stop a person, but I can't tell you the happiness that I have seen in my Dad with his bikes. It's something that brings him joy and you can't put a value to that. I hope that I can find a hobby one day that I love as much as he loves cycling and I hope that I won't let money stop me because I know that he would probably have much more steam if he wasn't able to blow it off with biking. It's also given him a new way to achieve even more accomplishments and fulfill his life all of which I hope to be able to do.
3. My dad provides opportunities
  Probably one of the things I'm most grateful for is that my dad gave my opportunities to learn for myself. It's not like he just left me out to dry or anything but he let me suffer a little and make mistakes even if he could do it better himself and because of that I personally believe I have some pretty awesome problem solving skills and am not afraid to do some trial and error (both good and bad) 
  He also provided me opportunities to see how other people live and how lucky I am to be in the family that I was born into. I have been able to go on service trips and to do service projects in my own area that my father has provided me the opportunity to do and I know that I have really grown through them and have been more grateful for the little things.
  He really has provided for everything that I have ever wanted and have never missed out on something that I really desired to do (that was good) school, service, spiritual, social, sports you name it he has done something for me to grow and to achieve grater than what I could have alone.
4. Control what you can
  One thing that I have become more grateful for him as time has gone by is that my dad is very good in my eyes of controlling what you can and not getting caught up in what you can't. He has shown me what's done is done and now it's our choice if we are going to forgive. He has worked with people that haven't done well with him in business and in other aspects and ya that really stinks for him but from what I have seen he has forgiven them and just continued to do what he knows is right and not made a huge deal about things others have done.
  He also is insanely self disciplined like literally the king of self disciple holy cow! I really hope that one day I can have it like he does. I don't really have much to add about this one except that this is probably in the top 3 strongest aspect that he has holy cow you just look at his life to see it. 
5. Find yourself in the church
  My dad has taught me that you don't have to be a cookie cutter member of the church to be a great member and that truly it's desirable to be your own self in the gospel of Jesus Christ because our church needs all sorts of people. I have also always admired that he has never judged people based on where they are in the church, that is their deal and we are working on our own stuff. 
6. Don't be so serious!
  My dad has alllwayysss been able to laugh at himself and even make an intentional fool of himself I swear! But I hope to have that kind of spirit. Life is so much easier when you can laugh at yourself and I have never seen my dad get mad for other people laughing at something that he has done and he usually is one of the first people to laugh at it!
  He also is able to laugh even when things kinda suck which I know is hard and especially when you are supposed to be some perfect steady rock and not let anything go bad, but even when things don't work out he is able to laugh it off and change our plans and make everything still work out!
  He also just has fun! I truly like spending time with my dad and I have a lot of fun with him! One the earliest memory I have with my dad is playing Super Nintendo with him - and that pretty much is all you need to know about him. I have just always enjoyed playing games with him and he has always made sacrifices to have fun with me and create good memories! 
7. Money and "Stuff" aren't the biggest things
  Something SUPER impressive my dad has shown me is that it doesn't matter who has "the biggest truck, boat, house etc." There are lots of people that get caught up in that especially in our area and he has never been swayed into that game and its been a great example for me. If we like it and it still works, what does it matter how it compares to everyone elses!
  I also never knew how much my dad made growing up, heck I still don't even know now! And maybe this is a personal thing but I'm honestly so grateful I never knew! Ya I have asked him before but he has never told me and I definitely want to follow his example in that. I mean sure it mattered to him how much money he made but that was something that he needed to know but I didn't and so I never could compare or think about it and that was truly a great gift for me!
  He also taught me how to save my own money and to "postpone gratification" which I know will help me for the rest of my life!
8. Getting old "ya it's happening" doesn't have to mean you get old
  This is just one of those things he is without a ton of explanation. I mean he works out every single day harder than I ever have, he goes just as hard on the wake board as Grant or I do, he still keeps up with us in learning about technology and new stuff that comes out, and he honestly like I said is just truly fun to be with.  I have a great time with him and don't think of him as old at all!
9. Teach Correct Principles and Let them govern themselves.
  Boy what an example my dad is of this! Like I said earlier he provided me tons of opportunities to learn things for myself through trial and error and to "govern" myself but he also taught me to make the right choices and made it clear consequences that would come from the decisions I made. Growing up I was never the friend that had all the rules and wasn't able to do things because their parents wouldn't let them and sure that's a way to parent but personally I am indebted to my dad for letting me choose for myself because I feel that was the best way for me to grow and that I was able to learn lessons in my own ways that have stayed with me not just because my parents said so!
  One of the correct principles my dad taught me that I am still trying to get better at is setting goals! That guy is a goal machine! He has always encouraged me to set goals and have something to work towards and through my life I have seen how much it can help if I have goals guiding me!
10. Do things yourself
  My dad loves doing things himself if he can, first of all it saves money but I don't think that is really half the reason he did it. I learned so much about how to be a land owner and how to work by doing things we could have easily hired other people to do but we didn't because it's important to work for yourself and to save but also it just taught me so much!!

  Anyway I know this isn't like a big lovey Fathers day gift but these are what I admire most.  Honestly I love my dad so much and wouldn't trade the world for him. He has always been an amazing example for me and if I can grow up to be exactly like him I feel like I will have reached twice my potential.  There have been many times in my life that I have just felt like he casts such a big shadow and is so hard to follow because he honestly is just perfect to me. I love you so much dad and a miss you boat loads. Thank you for always loving me even when I was the salt of the earth!

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