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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

New Finns

March 5, 2015

 So we hit our half way point last Friday (here at the MTC)! It's really starting to feel like time is flying here.. and I am not sure I know enough Albanian to do this but I know the Lord will provide. Then Sunday was really awesome because it was testimony meeting and all the Finns were leaving on Monday and so a lot of them got up and bore their testimony to us, it was really sad but a really powerful meeting! Seeing them off was really sad the next morning but we're excited we will be getting new Finns and we can be examples and a help to them like the old Finns were for us! I got your package on Monday and honestly it made my week! That calendar is so stinking awesome thank you so much! Also one of the Brazilians next to us knew what a thuggie was! He had one too and he was like man now I want my parents to send me mine! That puzzle you sent me may actually take my whole mission to figure out! I also got a letter from Grandma and Grandpa Guymon that was really awesome! Then on Tuesday I got the package of donuts you sent me which was awesome but even more awesome was the note attached! Thank you so much for sharing that it means a lot to me that Grace still thinks about me! Tuesday was kinda a crazy day though because Motra Ariza was getting surgery on Wednesday and she was on hydrocodone all day and she was out of her mind! Last night before we went to bed she had me give her a blessing and oh boy, words can not describe what it's like to give a blessing like that. The last blessing I gave her I really felt the spirit but this time WOW. I think a lot of what changed is I knew that whatever I blessed her with in my blessing Heavenly Father would honor. I opened the prayer and suddenly I had all these promptings in my head of exactly what I needed to say. I could feel the spirit down to my toes! I honestly got out of the room and was like man what would it be like to have that with you all the time! I really want to strive to have that kind of spiritual power.  Let me tell you that the words that I spoke were not my own and that when she went in to her surgery I wasn't even worried because Heavenly Father told me she would be alright. It sounds like everything went well from the surgery and she will be getting back today so I am really hoping to see her! Another awesome thing that happened Tuesday was we had a great devotional by the same guy who spoke to Trevor! Elder Evans! The part where the spirit really told me that this was for me was actually his wife though! She told a story about how she only knew how to say good morning in Japanese (they were mission presidents) but every week the elders would ask her if she had found anyone they could teach that week but she always said she didn't even speak the language. One day she realized she just needed to get out there so she began to go on morning walks and just say good morning to everyone see she saw and she ended up talking to someone who spoke English, hooked them up with the missionaries, and they ended up getting baptized! What I really got out of that is that I really am not going to speak the language well, and I am not that great at meeting new people but I need to work on just saying hi to everyone and not being nervous to talk to people about the gospel. I have already started working on it here in the MTC! Wednesday was a pretty awesome day! We went to go skype and were set up to teach an Albanian member and we called her and she said hi and then waved over these two guys she said were her friends and she said one of them was investigating the church right now! Oh man our teacher was watching us at that moment and his eyes got huge and he was like oh man that's your first investigator so naturally we were freaking out! It was really frustrating because we can actually understand the language pretty well now but the sound was so bad on the call we basically had no idea what they were saying the whole time. We got a message across and then at the end they started laughing and pulled out their name tags and it turns out they are missionaries oh man that was a dirty trick!!! Our teacher couldn't even understand them either so it was good to know it wasn't just us! Then we got to go host new kids which is when we go out to the curb and do what Jake Hart did for me! It was actually really fun there are so many different families out there it's funny to see how they all deal with their goodbyes. Luckily I didn't have to host any sisters because they pretty much all just start bawling and I'm going to be honest I would have no idea what to do. Then that night we got to go and meet the new Finns! There are 2, count them 2, Australians! What are the odds,  this means that every Sister in the radius of their voice swoons! :) There is also a guy I recognize from BYU but I don't really remember how exactly. I am really excited to help them get comfortable here and become friends with them! Anyway I love you all so much and I love the mail I get from you! The church is true and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise! This week I got 2 packages from my parents, a letter from Grandma and Grandpa Guymon, and email from Kyra, Kristina, Grandpa Guymon, Berdo, Emma, Grayland, Taryn, Cameron, Trevor, and Austin! 

Adam ran into Riley Billings at the temple.

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