This has been such an awesome week! Everything is really starting to fly by though and someone wrote on the board that said 13 days till we are in Albania and that was kinda freaky but I'm sure it will be awesome! So starting at last P Day, TRC continues to be one of my favorite times here in the MTC we were supposed to give a 40 min lesson but we could have gone for like ever! We basically just led a discussion about faith with 3 RM's so it was really cool to hear their perspective and all that stuff!
Then Friday was Friday the 13th and honestly a crazy Friday the 13th thing happened that we were all just laughing about it... So there is this grate that covers like a 20 ft drop down to some gravel rocks around some stairs next to the mail room and one of the elders in my zone tried to throw his apple core into the trash can and his ring came off with it, bounced off the trashcan and into the grate! Everyone was like freaking out and pretty much our entire zone was there! So we are all looking down at it and one Elder leans down too far and his comb drops out of his shirt pocket and lands balanced and the grate and he was like *whew* and reached down and grabbed it but then his ID card which you swipe to get into anywhere fell out of his pocket and went through the grate! LIKE WHAT!!!! At this point everyone is essentially in tears at how hard we are laughing because its just like how is this possible! So then this kid pulls out his keys and is like alright everyone throw something in we all need to be invested at this point! And so I grab my ID card which is attached to my keyring with my key and consecrated oil and pull it out and am like "YA!" but I forgot the hole in my ID card is broken so the keyring slid out flew into the air and then landed in the grate! It was insane! I honestly don't think I have laughed that hard at any point in my life! It was just so crazy how it all happened! Later we just got a security guard to go down with a ladder and grab them for us, we were thinking about using fishing line and duct tape though for a little!
Also I saw Celeste here at the MTC so that was funny, I guess she just started working here! Then Saturday was PI day actually the ultimate PI day since it was 3.14 15, that's right everyone be excited!
Then Sunday was awesome...I finished the BoM and prayed and just asked for a strengthened testimony in the BoM that I can truly testify to people of it and as soon as a said that it was like WHOOSH just hit me, holy cow, talk about ask and you will receive! I know that the BoM is true and that is the most correct book here on earth! If you haven't read and prayed about it, I challenge you to because if you do you will not be able to deny the feelings you have! Sunday was also kinda a sad day though because McBride Nover (Sister McBride) had to go home because of her shoulder so ya she's back in Meridian now, I hope that everything works out for her, she was really stressed here. On my temple walk I saw Kenedee which was pretty cool we got to talk for a bit and it was nice to see a friend! Sunday night was awesome though, so I don't know if I have told you yet but we have a bunch of Brazilians on our floor and they are so fun! They honestly do crazy things all the time. Sunday was their last night here so I stayed up with them for a bit and it was just a great night talking to them! I also got some awesome stuff passed down from them, like 2 ties!
Then Monday I finally figured that stinking puzzle out! Holy cow there are only 3 steps to get it but that took me a while! :)
Then Tuesday was really an awesome day! In the morning we built a fort out of all the furniture in our sitting area and we had like a mini nerf war and it was so fun! Then that night was like the most awesome devotional ever. It was Don R. Clark of the Seventy and he basically gave 10 key things for our mission, and just life! His 1st point was love and he said happiness comes when you learn to care more about others than yourself. Another point was Faith in Jesus Christ which leads to action and he stressed that diligence is much more important than intelligence which is exactly the opposite of my high school experience so that will be a change for me! Then he talked about knowing who you really are and he told a story about a missionary who didn't have a big testimony in the priesthood and then he was called on to give a blessing to a girl who was really sick and he was prompted to heal her twice and so he did and she just got straight up! Like wow! His final point was to enjoy the journey, that no one could make you unhappy it was a choice. He also said always happy but never content. Like we should always be striving to get better! Another one of his points that I'd like to challenge you to was to always have a BoM with you. I don't think that it needs to be ALWAYS but like in your car glovebox or at work or something just have it there and I know that if you are prepared to share it with someone the Lord will give you the opportunity to! Do you think he is just going to let it sit around and gather dust? No way! He also said that we are a missionary now and he challenged us that we need to have placed a BoM before we get into the field so you better believe I'll be looking to do that! Another thing that he challenged us to do that I really appreciated was to keep a revelation journal on you always and to write down spiritual experiences!
Yesterday I really found out how well I'm doing compared to the rest of the class because we did a group activity where it was like a branch council meeting where we talk about our investigators in Albanian! We haven't really done a set group language thing like that until then but to be honest I'm doing awesome! Like I felt a little bad for some people because I didn't know but I'm just so grateful that I was given the gift of tongues because I know I'm not all that good but I am doing very well for where I am at! Then last night we got into the pillow room! (Pictures inc.) It was so awesome! It is basically what every missionary hopes to do while they are here!
Sorry this was a long letter! Just a really good week! Also I get flight plans tomorrow!!! YAAAAAAAAAA. Also my nickname is Elder Thuggie which is awesome! I love you all! Don't be losers and not follow through on some easy challenges I threw down!
Jap koken time per ju!!
Adam's Zone is comprised of Albanian, Hungarian, Baltic Mission Estonian speaking and Finland. |
Fort they made in their sitting area for nerf wars. :) |
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Apparently he accomplished what every missionary aspires to do in the MTC...break into the pillow room! :) (those big bags in the back are full of pillows) |
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