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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

First letter home!

Dear Family,

Look at this I'm already writing you!  And a letter no less!  They told us we needed to let you know we made it here safely but I'm assuming you already know that.  The first day was pretty wild...Elder Hart took me to get my badge and books and then took me to my room and from there I was on my own.  The layout is pretty confusing but I'll figure it out.  I made it to my class and basically had a bunch of Albanian thrown at me.  Honestly, I have no idea how long it's going to take me to get this.  There are very few resemblance to draw on but whatevs.  I'm in a tri-panionship with Elder Crandall and Elder Clemans.  They seem like pretty cool guys.  Crandall is more of a music guy tallish, strawberry blonde, he speaks fluent German.  Clemons is a wrestler and sports guy, short, brown hair, glasses.  We are the only 3 elders in our district!  There are 6 sisters!  Our zone is awesome - it's all the weird languages no one knows what to do with and we are a branch of 57, so ya, the forgotten crew.  It makes it a really tight knit group though.  Food is alright basically crappy cannon - like they said and snacks are definitely necessary!!  I might be asking for some t-shirts but hold off for now.  Also, my books weigh like 1,000 lbs.  Well sorry, it's only been 2 days so I don't have a lot to write about, but I tried!  My P-days are on thursdays so I'll email you with some pictures then.  There isn't any wifi here so I can't send pictures through the camera.
Lots of love with a smile on my face!!


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